The Yoga Expo 2016 Los Angeles

06/22/2016 5:00 AM - 07/15/2016 11:00 AM 893 Santa Monica, LA, USA

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus et ex erat. Cras molestie sapien tristique dui bibendum feugiat. Nunc orci sem, tempus vel fringilla quis, fermentum fermentum felis. Quisque viverra nulla at ipsum sodales imperdiet. Fusce hendrerit at ipsum mattis ullamcorper. Aliquam tincidunt aliquam metus, at viverra ex pharetra nec. Sed dolor nisi, posuere at feugiat eget, consectetur sit amet lacus. Sed a mauris lectus. In sollicitudin eros bibendum, mattis odio non, aliquam ex. Pellentesque egestas elit vel cursus pretium. Proin rhoncus, arcu cursus pulvinar laoreet, nisi est luctus enim, a luctus turpis eros a massa. Praesent feugiat consequat erat sit amet ullamcorper. Curabitur sollicitudin leo eget ligula sodales mattis. Aliquam dapibus lobortis nibh, et sagittis metus sagittis sit amet. Etiam accumsan nulla ut orci feugiat iaculis. Morbi sodales dictum dolor vel tincidunt. Nulla facilisi. Duis vel auctor turpis. Mauris gravida sit amet lacus eu aliquam. Duis a tortor est. Donec sit amet dolor leo. Aenean sed tellus congue, tempus leo sed, finibus felis. Praesent eu interdum felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla odio urna, placerat sed leo in, varius tempus sem. Ut tempor, dui id volutpat aliquam, dolor massa fringilla enim, laoreet hendrerit urna sem vel turpis. Duis a felis ac urna tincidunt vehicula tincidunt a ipsum. Duis porta pulvinar mauris, eget auctor erat. Ut semper laoreet nibh, in consectetur est imperdiet eget. Nulla facilisi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam rhoncus convallis viverra. Integer ac consectetur sem. Maecenas posuere sit amet dolor at sagittis. Sed ornare aliquet ex id laoreet. In pulvinar vehicula sollicitudin. In eu lectus venenatis, auctor libero non, placerat nulla. Ut pharetra massa orci, non viverra magna vulputate lobortis. Vivamus efficitur augue dolor, at ornare mauris lobortis vitae. Nulla facilisi. Nunc consectetur massa vitae aliquam condimentum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas ex nunc, cursus pulvinar erat et, eleifend facilisis diam. Morbi porta eros diam, sed vestibulum felis varius ut. Aliquam tristique tristique est, sed dapibus justo blandit sed. Quisque quis massa nec turpis sollicitudin elementum. Cras pellentesque, lacus posuere laoreet placerat, lectus odio congue arcu, id auctor leo mi eu sapien. In in porttitor metus, nec rutrum diam. Sed ac tincidunt metus. Aenean ac rutrum orci. Vestibulum tincidunt molestie tellus, non venenatis ex eleifend sed. Aliquam a lectus pharetra, vehicula nisi vitae, viverra eros. Sed in orci vitae orci malesuada tristique.

Yoga Chicago Grand Opening

06/30/2016 5:00 AM - 07/14/2016 9:00 AM 2430 N. Cannon Dr. in Lincoln Park, Chicago

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus et ex erat. Cras molestie sapien tristique dui bibendum feugiat. Nunc orci sem, tempus vel fringilla quis, fermentum fermentum felis. Quisque viverra nulla at ipsum sodales imperdiet. Fusce hendrerit at ipsum mattis ullamcorper. Aliquam tincidunt aliquam metus, at viverra ex pharetra nec. Sed dolor nisi, posuere at feugiat eget, consectetur sit amet lacus. Sed a mauris lectus. In sollicitudin eros bibendum, mattis odio non, aliquam ex. Pellentesque egestas elit vel cursus pretium. Proin rhoncus, arcu cursus pulvinar laoreet, nisi est luctus enim, a luctus turpis eros a massa. Praesent feugiat consequat erat sit amet ullamcorper. Curabitur sollicitudin leo eget ligula sodales mattis. Aliquam dapibus lobortis nibh, et sagittis metus sagittis sit amet. Etiam accumsan nulla ut orci feugiat iaculis. Morbi sodales dictum dolor vel tincidunt. Nulla facilisi. Duis vel auctor turpis. Mauris gravida sit amet lacus eu aliquam. Duis a tortor est. Donec sit amet dolor leo. Aenean sed tellus congue, tempus leo sed, finibus felis. Praesent eu interdum felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla odio urna, placerat sed leo in, varius tempus sem. Ut tempor, dui id volutpat aliquam, dolor massa fringilla enim, laoreet hendrerit urna sem vel turpis. Duis a felis ac urna tincidunt vehicula tincidunt a ipsum. Duis porta pulvinar mauris, eget auctor erat. Ut semper laoreet nibh, in consectetur est imperdiet eget. Nulla facilisi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam rhoncus convallis viverra. Integer ac consectetur sem. Maecenas posuere sit amet dolor at sagittis. Sed ornare aliquet ex id laoreet. In pulvinar vehicula sollicitudin. In eu lectus venenatis, auctor libero non, placerat nulla. Ut pharetra massa orci, non viverra magna vulputate lobortis. Vivamus efficitur augue dolor, at ornare mauris lobortis vitae. Nulla facilisi. Nunc consectetur massa vitae aliquam condimentum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas ex nunc, cursus pulvinar erat et, eleifend facilisis diam. Morbi porta eros diam, sed vestibulum felis varius ut. Aliquam tristique tristique est, sed dapibus justo blandit sed. Quisque quis massa nec turpis sollicitudin elementum. Cras pellentesque, lacus posuere laoreet placerat, lectus odio congue arcu, id auctor leo mi eu sapien. In in porttitor metus, nec rutrum diam. Sed ac tincidunt metus. Aenean ac rutrum orci. Vestibulum tincidunt molestie tellus, non venenatis ex eleifend sed. Aliquam a lectus pharetra, vehicula nisi vitae, viverra eros. Sed in orci vitae orci malesuada tristique.

Pilates Mat Body Camp 2016

07/01/2016 9:30 AM - 07/28/2016 11:00 AM 893 Santa Monica, LA, USA

June 21, 2016 will go down in history as the day when millions across 132 countries participated in the first ever International Day of Yoga (IDY). Be it the streets of the ever bustling Times Square in New York City or the backdrop of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial in Japan, the longest day of the year was dedicated to yoga. And this time around, it will only be bigger and more spectacular. We invite you to join hands with people from all around the Los Angeles area on June 18th to celebrate with yoga, music, and meditation! We will meet at the beautiful Art of Living Center in the historic West Adams district near USC. Bring your smile, your yoga mat, and be prepared to experience what the ancient path of yoga has brought to our world! Great news!  Celebrity health guru, author and activist, Rainbeau Mars will be leading the yoga segment at Yoga Day L.A.! She has sold millions of yoga dvd’s worldwide and has been featured by Good Morning America, The View, Access Hollywood, E!, and The Doctors. Her 21-Day Superstar Cleanse is endorsed by notable names including David Duchvny, Woody Harrelson, James Cameron, Josie Maran, Russell Simmons, Moby, and more. Her eBook will be released Monday, May 30th with 21 Bonus Recipes! Be sure to book your spot! This year is the National Parks Centennial and here in NYC we have miles of beach access through NPS so we're celebrating through Beach Day! When was the last time you did yoga on a beach? What about on a beach in NYC? Join us for some sun salutations in the sand at Fort Tilden. Afterwards go for a swim or join any of our other awesome Beach Day events. DETAILS: Bring your own mat (or towels work great on the sand). We recommend sunscreen & water to keep you happy and healthy. Hermosa Yoga NYC OutdoorFest's Official Yoga Partner, Pop Up Yoga brings yoga to urban spaces. Live life better, stronger, and happier  Need a ride to the beach from the city? We’ve partnered with the OvR Rockaway Beach Bus to get you to and from the beach! 

Yogi Monthly Workshop

06/28/2016 9:00 AM - 07/19/2016 11:00 AM Lincoln Way, San Francisco, CA

Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice or discipline. There is a broad variety of schools, practices and goals in Hinduism, Buddhism (including Vajrayana and Tibetan Buddhism and Jainism. The best-known are Hatha yoga and Raja yoga. The origins of Yoga The origins of Yoga have been speculated to date back to pre-Vedic Indian traditions, but most likely developed around the sixth and fifth centuries BCE, in ancient India's ascetic circles, which are also credited with the early sramana movements. The chronology of earliest texts describing yoga-practices is unclear, varyingly credited to Hindu Upanishads and Buddhist Pāli Canon, probably of third century BCE or later. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali from first half of 1st millennium CE is one of a key surviving major texts on Yoga. Hatha yoga texts emerged around 11th century CE, and in its origins was related to Tantrism. Yoga gurus from India later introduced yoga to the west,following the success of Swami Vivekananda in the late 19th and early 20th century. In the 1980s, yoga became popular as a system of physical exercise across the Western world.Yoga in Indian traditions, however, is more than physical exercise, it has a meditative and spiritual core.One of the six major orthodox schools of Hinduism is also called Yoga, which has its own epistemology and metaphysics, and is closely related to Hindu Samkhya philosophy.   The ultimate goal of Yoga is moksha though the exact definition of what form this takes depends on the philosophical or theological system with which it is conjugated. According to Jacobsen, "Yoga has five principal meanings: Yoga as a disciplined method for attaining a goal; Yoga as techniques of controlling the body and the mind;     Event Agenda and Preparation Yoga came to the attention of an educated western public in the mid-19th century along with other topics of Indian philosophy. In the context of this budding interest, N. C. Paul published his Treatise on Yoga Philosophy in 1851. The first Hindu teacher to actively advocate and disseminate aspects of yoga to a western audience, Swami Vivekananda, toured Europe and the United States in the 1890s. The reception which Swami Vivekananda received built on the active interest of intellectuals, in particular the New England Transcendentalists, among them R. W. Emerson, who drew on German Romanticism and the interest of philosophers and scholars like G. F. W. Hegel  the brothers August Wilhelm Schlegel...

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