Introduction to Heartfull Meditation

07/04/2016 5:00 AM - 07/07/2016 7:00 AM 2255 140th Avenue Northeast Bellevue, CA 98005 United States

In a world where the heart’s wisdom is often suppressed, intuition is frequently dismissed and loneliness abounds, comes Heartfull™ Meditation with a way to change that. Heartfull™ Meditation incorporates active meditation techniques that center the mind and body to the wisdom of the heart. Calm your body and mind, and live from conscience, integrity and the feeling of love, from your heart, to shine out into the world. “These meditation techniques are extremely logical and practical. Instead of taking me away from life, they have taught me how to truly live it.” – Savitri Heartfull™ Meditation, created by Savitri, came to her through prayer for her own personal growth and healing. The techniques are unique, taught all over the world and used by thousands of people of all ages, beliefs & cultures to transform their lives to their true heart’s purpose. The moment you sign up, Savitri works with the guidance of your Soul to bring energetic healing for your mind and body before, during and after the course. This will help you to have a positive life-changing experience in the course. Course includes meditation, lecture and discussion. Go from feeling: To feeling: Overwhelmed & frustrated ♥ Calm Exhausted ♥ Energized Scared & unsafe ♥ Protected Unloved ♥ Self-love & self-respect Foggy mind ♥ Clear & bright Hopeless, bored, no purpose ♥ Intuitive guidance or direction in your life Depressed or stressed ♥ Happy & grateful Helpless ♥ Heart’s dreams come true ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR: Ava, founder of Heartfull™ Meditation & Lifestyle, and co-founder of Alive & Shine Center, began as a 25 year old praying for truth and understanding for the incomprehensible events of her life. When she was 11 she had a serious head injury, as a teenager she was orphaned with the sudden death of both her parents in a plane crash, and a few years later she experienced the shocking murder of her sister. This led to life-threatening illnesses and many near-death experiences. Her sincere desire for truth inspired her to create Heartfull Meditation with heart-focused active techniques. Since 1995, it has become her life’s work to share Heartfull Meditation and the Align & Shine Snack Techniques. The techniques helped her to come alive and shine, blessing her with her beautiful daughter, Zenia. Ava is the founder and creator of Heartfull™ Meditation & Lifestyle, the co-owner of Alive & Shine Center, the co-founder of the College of Purna...

Stretch Your Body

07/03/2016 7:00 AM - 07/09/2016 11:00 AM 893 Santa Monica, LA, USA

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